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DOWNLOAD 4 tracks

MP3 release £3.00
FLAC release £3.50
WAV release £4.00

DOWNLOAD 4 tracks

 MP3 Track £1  FLAC Track £1.25  WAV Track £1.5
 MP3 Track £1  FLAC Track £1.25  WAV Track £1.5
 MP3 Track £1  FLAC Track £1.25  WAV Track £1.5
 MP3 Track £1  FLAC Track £1.25  WAV Track £1.5
Foreign Concept makes his return to Critical with the 'Sticks' EP, his first release in 3 years .
 For the lead track he teams up with label mate Enei and vocalist Magugu. Its classic Critical sound, heavy sub weight,  groove and a killer lyrical mood. The rest of the EP combines what makes Foreign Concept a stand out producer, not just relying on simple beats and bass he utilities depth and melody to make this a truly exciting come back.

Pre-order the EP and receive the tittle track as an instant download

Also available